Female Hormonal Panel:

Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones (DUTCH)


The Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones (DUTCH) test is a simple and informative test for patients who may have a hormonal imbalance or for candidates considering bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

The test is done four times in 24-hour period by using four urine strips. The strips are then analyzed by the lab and used to give you a complete hormone panel, including hormone metabolites.

The DUTCH Complete test and DUTCH Plus panel also includes organic acid testing (testing for neurotransmitter metabolites). These organic acids are the primary metabolite of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Patients with an imbalance in these neurotransmitters may experience symptoms that are also common with an imbalance in hormones.

In addition to sex hormones and their metabolites, the DUTCH Complete test looks at the overall pattern of cortisol and cortisol metabolites.