Naturopathic Blog

Acid Reflux: Why (almost) everything you know about gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is wrong

In December, I presented to more than 500 clinicians on gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. GERD is commonly referred to as acid reflux. Many people don't know that someone can have all the symptoms of GERD without having true GERD. From the outdated Canadian guidelines (yes, they are 20 years old), to the overprescription of proton pump inhibitors, to an emerging area of research on reflux hypersensitivity and functional heartburn, there are many questions around the treatment and assessment of acid reflux for many people.

The peri-menopause weight creep: 3 reasons why you’re stuck

I am passionate about treating menopause. Menopause is, without a doubt, one of the most under-supported areas of women’s health. Perimenopause is a vulnerable period for the loss of muscle mass because estrogen plays a vital role in regulating muscle growth and repair. Find out about what causes weight gain in perimenopause and evidence-based solutions and strategies to help overcome the weight creep.

Irregular Periods? Find out about the 5 top causes and what you can do about it

Experiencing skipped periods can be confusing, frustrating, and worrisome. The impact of menstrual disorders can affect a patient’s quality of life especially when it leads to other associated problems, such as infertility and hormonal or metabolic disturbances. Patients often receive limited conventional support and are typically offered the oral birth control pill to regulate their periods, which is a simple bandaid solution that does not address the root of the issue.

There are several causes of missed periods or no periods at all, and most of the time the cause is hormonal in origin. Find out below about 5 top causes that cause skipped periods and learn about how a naturopathic doctor can support you in achieving menstrual cycle regularity.

Sluggish gut? Here are 5 tips you can implement now to improve constipation

There’s a lot of information online about the causes of constipation as well as conventional approaches to improving constipation, but less information available about what to do when the typical fibre, water, and laxatives don’t work, and when secondary causes like hypothyroidism and diabetes have been ruled out. Read my blog article to find out about 5 tips to improve constipation for individuals suffering with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or chronic constipation.


Is your abdominal discomfort caused by poor digestion, endometriosis, or both?

When it comes to pelvic pain, digestive issues are a top cause. There is a strong overlap between irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and chronic pelvic pain. Interestingly, women with endometriosis have at least a two-fold greater risk of having irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Many women who have endometriosis in the bowel and other nearby structures often receive an IBS misdiagnosis. Read my blog article below to find out more.

Pregnant woman standing in front of barn door.

Can Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affect fertility?

Anyone who suffers from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) knows it’s complicated and can impact other systems in the body beyond the digestive system. A recent review article concluded that there may be a link between irritable bowel syndrome and infertility in both males and females. Read my blog article below to find out more.

Citrus fruits are a great source of vitamin C

Top nutrients that support the immune system

Supporting and maintaining a healthy immune system, arguably, couldn’t be more important than it is right now. Find out about how five top nutrients — specifically vitamin D, zinc, selenium, vitamin C, and vitamin A — play integral roles in warding off pathogens like viruses, bacteria, and fungi.


A naturopathic doctor's Costco grocery list

Ever wonder what your naturopath's grocery list looks like? During the pandemic, my spouse and I have limited our shopping frequency while still aiming to eat as nutritiously as possible. Click the link below to find out about my top 9 favourite items at Costco that support your waistline and blood sugar while providing high-quality nutrients.

Woman wearing face mask while quarantined during Covid 19 pandemic.

Covid19: 7 tips to support anxiety and stress in uncertain times

I believe that supporting mental health is always imperative — but especially right now. While it may feel like a lot is out of your control, focusing on what you can control may help mitigate spiralling negative thoughts and feelings of isolation. Read my 7 tips that can help address feelings of anxiety and stress during this uncertain time.


8 Ways a Naturopath can Improve your Health

By the end of January, less than 25% of people stay committed to their resolutions, and only 8% accomplish them. The time is always right to hit the “reset” button when it comes to improving your health. Find out about the top eight ways a naturopathic doctor can help.


9 Exercise Tips to Promote Healthy Weight Loss

As part of my healthy weight loss program, I discuss the most effective tips to utilizing exercise to promote weight loss and healthy weight management. Read my 9 tips in the article below!


The benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids for brain, heart, hormonal, and digestive health

What makes a good dietary fish oil supplement? How do omega-3 fatty acids support brain, heart, digestive, and hormonal health? Click below to learn more about the things you should look for when choosing the right fish oil.

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Testing and treating gut dysbiosis

As digestive issues are a main clinical focus area of mine, I spend many hours a week endeavouring to keep up with the latest research. Chronic digestive cases are downright complicated, for both the patient and often the practitioner. Read my latest article which discusses dysbiosis — the disruption in our healthy gut flora — and how to test and treat it.

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Magnesium — the mineral for digestion, anxiety, and blood sugar

There are many magnesium supplements on the market. Are you taking the right one for your health condition and goals? Read my latest article to find out which form of magnesium may benefit you.


Detoxing — is it necessary?

"Detoxes" and "cleanses" are buzz words, but are they actually healthy? Find out in my latest article why I don't promote cleanses, and when a detox may be beneficial to your health…


Top 5 Immune-Boosting Nutrients

Now that we are in the thick of cold and ‘flu season, many patients ask how to fight viruses naturally. Supporting the immune system with nutrients from food, the right blend of vitamins, and the medicinal properties of botanical herbs can help strengthen and stimulate our immune system…


5 Surprising ways Food Sensitivities can Impact the Body

Food sensitivities are common. When someone suffers from food sensitivities, they often experience chronic bloating, gas, loose stools, constipation, nausea, and stomach pain. For many individuals, this sounds all too familiar! …

Bad gut bacteria (dysbiosis) can lead to digestive symptoms like gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation

Eating with Gut Problems (Part 3) — the Thyroid Connection

If you have a thyroid disorder, do you ever wonder why you also experience poor digestion? The thyroid and digestive system are connected in intricate ways …

Person running on the beach

Vitamin D — the 5 most common questions asked by patients. Are you getting enough vitamin D this summer?

Are you getting enough vitamin D this summer? Below are the top 5 questions about vitamin D asked by patients that may help you determine whether you’re getting enough of the sunshine vitamin…

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Eating with Gut Problems (Part 2) — the low FODMAP diet

One of the most common reasons patients see me in practice is for their digestive issues. If you are reading this, you may be part of the 20% of the population that suffers from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)...


Elimination diet - is it worth it? A practitioner’s experience

The short answer is it depends. An elimination diet can be quite helpful in determining specific food sensitivities. The answer that most people don't wish to hear, however, is that it takes a lot of timeeffort, and usually a hiatus in social life

Hand outstretched over the ocean

Carpal tunnel syndrome: 5 tips for pain and symptom management beyond physiotherapy

We see overuse injuries on a daily basis at the clinic, with carpal tunnel syndrome being one of the most common...